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Durand United Methodist Church

102 East Main Street

Durand, IL 61024



Job Description: I cleaned up trash on Patterson Street for the Durand-Laona area. For two hours I hiked up and down the ditches and the side of the road looking for trash. When I found waste, I would use my garbage picker-upper to grab the waste, and then placed it into a garbage bag. Then, when one bag was full, I was to tie it up and leave it at the side of the road for people to pick up.


Skills: A few skills that I used while picking up trash include generating ideas and taking action. I used generating ideas because I had to think of a way to clean up the street in the quickest way possible. One way I thought of was that each person took a side of the street and that was their part to clean up. I used taking action by making sure I did the job that I needed too. My job was to pick up all the trash and I had to make sure I did just that.


Insight: These hours of community service may have dragged on while I was performing the task, but when I look back, I realized it wasn’t too bad. Picking up trash for only a couple hours can really help our environment stay clean and even make it look better. Doing something for my community made me feel like a better person, and also made me feel like I had given to the public in some way. Knowing that I had done a good task for my community makes the time seem worth it.

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