Faith Community Church
212 W. Mckimmy Street
Davis, IL 61019
Job Description: The varsity girls basketball team worked at the Women’s Christmas brunch and program at the Faith Community Church. This was an event that was for women to enjoy a festive show and eat some delicious food. At the end of the program, the team’s job was to clean up plates and cups, wipe down tables, and take down decorations so the church’s gym could be returned back to normal.
Skills: To be able to do this job well, the team and I had to work at a fast, but adequate pace. I also had to work well with my teammates by knowing which specific task I was assigned. By each of us doing a certain job, we were able to get the job done a lot faster than expected. Communication also played a role in cleaning up tables. We all let each other know what table we had already done and what still needed to be done. By maintaining these skills, we were able to do a great job cleaning up the church.
Insight: Helping cleaning up the church taught me that doing little things in life can make a huge difference to someone. Even though the basketball team and I only picked up the gym part, the church members and helpers were thankful that we came out and helped. This was beneficial to me knowing that I could make someone’s day by just doing a small task. Volunteering helps you gain a small amount of joy and happiness.